Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) and North Dakota Homeless Grant (NDHG)
The federal ESG program and state NDHG program are designed to provide financial assistance to facilities and programs within North Dakota to identify sheltered and unsheltered homeless persons, as well as those at risk of homelessness, and provide the services necessary to help those persons quickly regain stability in permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis and/or homelessness.
Grant funds are awarded directly to emergency/homeless shelters and agencies throughout the state to provide for activities such as operational expenses (utilities, insurance, furnishings/appliances, etc.) and essential services (case management, medical, laundry, transportation, etc.), homeless prevention, rapid re-housing and Homeless Management Information System (HMIS).
Past Allocation Plans and Awards
Past Allocation Plans and Awards
- Administrative Manual
- Reimbursement Request Tips
- ESG Required Supporting Documentation
- Section 504 Guidance and Plan
- Written Standards for ESG and CoC Programs
Reporting Forms
- Final Progress Report
- Mid-Term Progress Report
- Monitoring Report and Guidelines
- Reimbursement Summary Report
- Request for Amendment
- Request for Funds
- Section 504 Self-Evaluation (ESG)
- Timesheet Report
Program Forms
- At Risk of Homelessness Certification
- Environmental Review for Activity/Project Part 58 Exempt CENST (HUD)
- Environmental Review Questionnaire
- Homeless Definition and Certification
- Housing Habitability Standards Unit Inspection
- Income Eligibility Worksheet
- Lead-Based Paint Disclosure (HUD)
- Lead-Based Paint Visual Assessment
- Lead Screening Worksheet (ESG)
- Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home (EPA)
- Minimum Habitability Standards for Emergency Shelters
- Rental Assistance Agreement
- Rent Reasonableness Checklist and Certification
- Self-Certification
- Self-Declaration of Income
- Staff Certification of Homelessness
- Staff Evaluation of Eligibility
- Transportation Activity (NDHG)
- Verification of Income
- Zero Income
- Reimbursement Training (Video)
- Reimbursement Training Slides
- ESG/NDHG Recipient Training (Video)
- ESG/NDHG Recipient Training Slides
- Participant File Requirements Training Slides
- Policies and Procedures Training Slides
Additional Resources
- Fair Market Rent
- At Risk of Homelessness Definition
- Consolidated Plan/Action Plan
- ESG Laws, Regulations and Notices
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Homelessness Definition and Recordkeeping Requirements
- HUD Exchange – Emergency Solutions Grants Program
- Income Limits
- Operational Manual Checklist
- Protect Your Family from Lead
HOME-ARP Supportive Services
The HOME Investment Partnerships American Rescue Plan Program (HOME-ARP) provides funding to assist individuals or households who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, and other vulnerable populations, by providing housing, rental assistance, supportive services, and non-congregate shelter to reduce homelessness and increase housing stability.
- HOME-ARP Allocation Plan
- HOME-ARP Supportive Services Application
- HOME-ARP Qualifying Populations: Documentation Requirements
HOME-ARP Supportive Services Administrative Manual
- Income Eligibility Worksheet
- Inspection Form (HUD-52580-A)
- Lead-Based Paint Disclosure (HUD)
- Lead-Based Paint Visual Assessment
- Lead Screening Worksheet
- Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home (EPA)
- Qualifying Population Certification
- Quarterly Report
- Reimbursement Request Summary
- Rent Reasonableness Checklist and Certification
- Rental Assistance Agreement
- Request for Funds
- Self-Certification
- Self-Declaration of Income
- Staff Evaluation of Eligibility
- Timesheet Report
- Verification of Income
- Zero Income
Additional Resources
Continuum of Care (CoC)
The North Dakota-500 Statewide Continuum of Care is the unincorporated organization created to fulfill the responsibilities of the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Act. The CoC is composed of representatives of public and private organizations that come together to plan for and provide a homeless response system that is dedicated to preventing and ending homelessness in the State of North Dakota. The CoC’s organization structure is multi-tiered to ensure the opportunity for broad input throughout the state and across stakeholders, while designating staff and leadership to carry out the specific goals and responsibilities of the CoC. (Adapted from the HUD Continuum of Care 101)
North Dakota has one Continuum of Care and the North Dakota Housing Finance Agency acts as the Collaborative Applicant for the ND Statewide CoC. The CoC geographic area encompasses all 53 counties, its cities, towns, and unincorporated areas, as well as the 5 federally recognized tribes.