Rental Programs

Moderate Rehabilitation 

NDHFA ensures the continued availability of safe, decent and affordable rental housing for low-income, elderly or disabled households by administering U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) rental assistance contracts.

  • Household eligibility is subject to income qualification requirements with tenants generally required to pay 30 percent of their adjusted monthly gross income as rent.
  • The apartment must be the household’s sole residence and under no circumstance may any tenant benefit from more than one rent subsidy.
  • Criminal background checks are mandatory. All applicants age 18 or older will be screened.
  • Documentation of citizenship or eligible immigration status is required.
  • Full-time students enrolled at an institution of higher learning are subject to additional eligibility requirements.
  • Assistance is available in specified housing located in: Devils Lake, Fargo and Grand Forks.
  • The eligibility requirements listed are not inclusive. Additional qualifications may apply.

To apply, download an application packet, complete and return it to NDHFA. Your name will be put on a waiting list that operates on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Application will be denied if the applicant owes money to NDHFA or another public housing authority.

Opening Doors provides households with a rental barrier the opportunity to access housing. The barrier could be poor credit or prior rental history, or a criminal conviction. The program also encourages landlords to lease units to households that may not meet all their rental criteria by providing coverage if there is excessive damage or lost revenue.

Individuals seeking assistance must be referred by Participating Care Coordination Agency. Contact your case manager or service provider to learn if they are an approved provider.

An Individual must:

  • Have an intellectual, developmental, physical, aging-related or behavioral health condition or be a youth exiting the foster care system.
  • Have a housing barrier that would disqualify them under ordinary rental selection criteria (i.e. criminal record, rental history, or credit score deficiencies).
  • Willing to actively participate in supportive services for the term of the coverage.
  • Client Guide
  • Application Process
  • FAQs

Agencies with a history of providing supportive services, coordination and/or case management services may apply to be a Participating Care Coordination Agency. Once approved, the agency may refer clients into the program. Agencies that are able to provide the required Participating Care Coordination Agency services can complete and return a PCCA Application for Approval to the Opening Doors Program Administrator.

Any landlord who is willing to rent to households with rental barriers can agree to be a Participating Landlord. Agreeing to participate is not binding, it is simply an indication that the landlord will consider renting to households who are working towards successful tenancy with assistance from a supportive service provider. Landlords who are interested in participating should complete a Landlord Participation Agreement and return it to the Opening Doors Program Administrator. Forms will be accepted on an ongoing basis.

Additional Resources

Senior Housing

The Aging and Disability Resource-LINK (ADRL) connects people to services to help them maintain or improve their quality of life. Contact the free and confidential ADRL to guide you to services and supports available in your community.

Monday through Friday
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Toll Free 1-855-462-5465

ND Relay TTY 711