Participating Lenders are invited to join North Dakota Housing Finance Agency’s (NDHFA) Homeownership Division staff for a live, monthly conversation about the agency’s mortgage loan programs.
“During our ‘Home Talk,’ we will discuss program changes, answer lender questions, share resources and talk about upcoming events,” said Homeownership Division Director Brandon Dettlaff.
The 20-minute webinars will be held the first Thursday of each full week of the month. The first Home Talk will be on Sept. 8, 2022, at 11:00 a.m., CT. Pre-registration is required to obtain the webinar’s login information. Lenders can learn more or register by viewing Update # 22-10, available on the Lender Dashboard (login required).
“I encourage both lenders who are new to our programs and seasoned originators to join us,” said Dettlaff. “No matter how long you’ve been in mortgage lending, there will always be a new situation and program questions.”
The goal of the discussions is for lenders to become more knowledgeable about NDHFA’s programs, helping them to qualify borrowers more readily for the agency’s affordable mortgage financing and purchase assistance.
Through its FirstHome™ program, NDHFA provides affordable mortgage loans and down payment and closing cost assistance to low- to moderate-income households.
Single parents with at least one dependent child residing in the home 50 percent of the time, households with elderly or permanently disabled family members, and honorably discharged veterans can receive similar help through HomeAccess.
While FirstHome and HomeAccess have income limits that vary depending on family size and the location of the home purchased, the agency’s expanded North Dakota Roots program can now be used to finance mortgage loans for higher-income households and to refinance residential real estate loans.
Private-sector lenders originate mortgage loans and sell them to NDHFA when they are closed. Parties interested in learning more about the agency’s homeownership programs will find information online at