North Dakota Agencies Receive Funding to Combat Homelessness

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BISMARCK, ND – North Dakota Housing Finance Agency (NDHFA) announces the selection of 2024 funding recipients for the federal Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) and the state North Dakota Homeless Grant (NDHG).

“These grants are more than just financial support; they are a lifeline for many individuals and families in North Dakota,” said Dave Flohr, executive director of NDHFA. Our goal is to ensure that every dollar awarded through ESG and NDHG makes a positive difference in the lives of those experiencing housing instability.”

The need for assistance in addressing homelessness and housing insecurity in North Dakota is significant. Both ESG and NDHG are oversubscribed, with the demand for support far exceeding the funding available.

ESG provides funding for emergency shelters, outreach services, homelessness prevention, and rapid re-housing assistance. NDHFA received 21 applications requesting nearly $2.2 million. 10 agencies were awarded $881,870 to support their essential work in these areas.

NDHG, which is modeled after ESG, received 25 applications requesting over $2.8 million in funding. NDHFA awarded $909,115 to 17 agencies statewide, distributing the available funds to support their work.

For more details on these programs, the application process, allocation plan, or awards list, please visit NDHFA’s website.

NDHFA is a self-supporting and mission-driven state agency dedicated to making housing affordable for all North Dakotans. The North Dakota Industrial Commission, consisting of Governor Doug Burgum as chairman, Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring and Attorney General Drew H. Wrigley, oversees the agency.