2021 Homeownership Forum Registration Open; Virtual Learning Offered

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North Dakota Housing Finance Agency (NDHFA) will host a virtual Homeownership Forum in February. To provide our lending partners and real estate partners with this online learning opportunity, the agency partnered with Genworth Mortgage Insurance and Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation (MGIC).

On Feb. 11th, Genworth’s MaryKay Scully will lead an introduction to the new Uniform Residential Loan Application, commonly referred to as the 1003/65, and Steve Richman will present “There’s No Going Back,” on the evolution of the mortgage industry that’s lead to today’s multi-dimensional connectivity.

Beryl Johnson of MGIC will be the trainer for the Feb. 18th workshops, sharing the secret to effective communications and helping attendees identify the thieves that rob us of time and prevent us from accomplishing the things that benefit us personally and professionally.

An Exchange period between each Forum’s training sessions will provide an opportunity to connect with NDHFA’s homeownership division staff and the private mortgage insurance companies’ representatives.

An application for continuing education has been submitted to the ND Real Estate Commission. If approved two hours of credit will be offered for each day of attendance. The forum website will be updated when the credits are approved.

Register online at https://cvent.me/ZbEKm1. One-day only, Feb. 11 or 18 is $20. Both days, Feb. 11 and 18 is $30. Registration closes at 4:00 p.m., CST, on February 10, 2021.