Inspections Postponed; File Reviews and Reporting Continues

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Affordability/Compliance Period Physical Inspections and File Monitoring

  • Physical inspections will be postponed until further notice.
  • Tenant file review will continue to be conducted electronically using secure upload options provided in review requests.

Annual Owner Certification/Annual Desk Review Requests

  • There will be no interruption in reviewing 2019 Annual Owner Certifications and Annual Rental Compliance Reporting.

NDHFA staff are accessible at this time. Email communication via our general account,, or directly to staff is the most effective method to reach us with questions or concerns.

HUD has published a guide,, for Public Housing, Housing Choice Voucher, and Project-Based Voucher Program and Native American Programs and the Office of Multifamily Housing. Even if your program is not specifically related to the programs listed, the general information is valuable to any affordable housing project.

We encourage you to work with your tenants to communicate processes of ensuring health and safety and any policies you are implementing during this time.