Demand for Affordable Senior Housing Remains Strong

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FARGO, ND – Beyond Shelter Inc. (BSI) is set to mark the completion of the second phase of HomeField Apartments by hosting a Grand Opening Celebration and Ribbon Cutting at the property, 4235 28th Ave S, in Fargo, ND, on Aug. 22, 2019, at 11 a.m. The nonprofit continues to see strong demand for the affordable senior housing it has developed in the community. HomeField 2 is the fifth such project completed over the last six years.

“Providing affordable senior housing is about more than a roof overhead,” said Dan Madler, BSI’s CEO. “We are providing a home where our aging community members live safely with opportunities for social interaction and personal care services that keep them healthier.”

Tenancy at HomeField 2 is restricted to income-qualified households age 55 and older with rents ranging from $422 to $760. Of HomeField 2’s 39 apartments, 33 are one-bedroom with most of the apartments occupied by single individuals. To rent a one-bedroom for $422, an individual’s annual income must be $17,670 or less per year.

Resident-led activities, congregate or home-delivered meals, and supportive services including transportation, case management, homemaker and personal care are all available to the property’s tenants.

MetroPlains Management, HomeField’s property manager, reports that 21 of the new tenants signed a lease without ever entering the building. With the occupancy rate at similar properties that it manages currently at 98 percent, many with waiting lists, MetroPlains expects HomeField 2 to be fully rented by September.

North Dakota Housing Finance Agency (NDHFA) allocated $640,984 in federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits to the project. Through syndication by Wells Fargo Affordable Housing CDC, the credits brought $5.77 million in equity to HomeField 2.

“When you combine affordable housing with supportive services, you allow seniors to comfortably age-in-place,” said NDHFA Housing Development Officer William Hourigan. “We appreciate the good work Beyond Shelter has done, and we are also appreciative of our project partners who recognized that seniors living independently is a good investment in their health and well-being.”

The City of Fargo committed $200,000 in HOME funds to the project, approved a Payment in Lieu of Taxes valued at $667,928, and waived the building permit fees. The City considers affordable senior housing to be a critical need for the community, especially housing for extremely low-income seniors.

Support was also provided by North Dakota Department of Commerce Division of Community Services which committed $453,000 in HOME funding.

If funding can be secured, BSI hopes to add a third building at the site within the next two years.

Individuals who would like to learn more about apartments can call MetroPlains Management at (701) 232-1887. Information is also available online at