From the Director, June 2019

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For more than 30 years, I have been blessed to work with compassionate and driven individuals and communities that care about housing. I’ve learned that when people have a home they can come to every night, they have the foundation to provide for their family, to live independently, and to be able to enjoy each phase we all experience as we grow older.

While agency, state and federal programs have evolved over time, NDHFA’s mission to create affordable housing has always been the driving force throughout my tenure as executive director.  I must give credit to outstanding advisory board members and the Industrial Commission for believing in the agency’s mission and trusting the decisions made by our staff.

While I will miss the people that I have worked with over the past decades, I’m truly excited to retire. Spending more time with my grandchildren, children, parents and friends in addition to being in my garden and volunteering will fill my days. I also know the agency will continue to thrive with the experience and dedication of more than 40 talented staff.

My staff tells me I must have a party, so I am inviting you to come if you can to the agency on June 26 from 3:00 to 5:00 pm. I also want to congratulate Beyond Shelter, Inc. for their 20th anniversary and the Lewis and Clark Foundation on their 50th anniversary, which will both have celebrations on June 27th. Its good for all of us in the housing industry to celebrate our successes and the partnerships that have benefited so many people.

As I look back on my career, I hope that I, with the support of the full NDHFA team, was able to make a positive impact on people’s lives creating more than housing, but a place to call home.