From the Executive Director, November 2023

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man in dark blue suit and tie

As 2023 winds down and we look back at all that’s happened this year, I am grateful to each of you for your continued partnership and support of North Dakota Housing Finance Agency.

Earlier this year, the Industrial Commission approved changes that would allow us to provide mortgage financing to individuals and families with a higher yearly income. This eliminates barriers, allowing a larger number of households to qualify for our financing. 

Our homeownership activity continues to be strong as our agency recently marked the purchase of the 50,000th FirstHome loan. This accomplishment would not be possible without the partnership of many lenders and real estate agents across North Dakota. They are the ones that connect the buyers to our products.  Thank you to our homeownership allies for your commitment to making 50,000 dreams come true.

We continue to collaborate with other agencies working to address homelessness. Through North Dakota’s Homeless CoC competitive grant and most recently, the ESG and NDHG awards, we are helping agencies across North Dakota provide support services and housing options for households who could or are experiencing homelessness.  We are fortunate to have local agencies and government partners committed to working together to address the needs of our most vulnerable citizens.

Last week, we joined YWCA and Beyond Shelter, Inc. for the grand opening of Lantern Light in Fargo which will provide much-needed services to survivors of domestic violence and those experiencing homelessness.  NDHFA awarded funding for this development through the National Housing Trust Fund, HOME Investment Partnership Program and the Housing Incentive Fund.  

While these are just a few of the myriad of things that happened in housing this year, I certainly want to express my gratitude to those we work with every day. It is that day-to-day work that makes a difference in the lives of North Dakota families. It is that work that gives people a warm place to sleep at night and a dining room table to gather around with family and friends.

As we head into the holiday season, I wish you all the best and hope for another wonderful year full of partnership and progress in 2024.