From the Executive Director, May 2023

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man in dark blue suit and tie

The 68th legislative session has officially wrapped. 

Legislators heard and responded to the need for continuing to meet the demand for affordable housing in communities across North Dakota by providing a general fund appropriation of $13.75 million for the Housing Incentive Fund (HIF). HIF is administered by NDHFA on behalf of the state. Additionally, single-family housing development has been added as an eligible activity in rural communities.  We appreciate the legislators who worked hard on both sides of the aisle and our affordable housing partners for their efforts in securing HIF funding this biennium.    

Legislators also approved the transfer of the North Dakota Homeless Grant and Emergency Solutions Grant from the North Dakota Department of Commerce to NDHFA, aligning with our work as the administrator of the Statewide Homeless Continuum of Care. They further increased the amounts for these programs by over $900,000 to a total of $2.5 million showing their commitment to assisting households experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

With the transfer of these programs and HIF funding, we will increase the efficiency of delivering state and federal dollars for homelessness and meet the demands for affordable housing identified in the Statewide Housing Needs Assessment for the growing segments of the state’s population.

The Legislature also confirmed our budget request ensuring we have the resources needed, as a self-funded agency, to fulfill our fiduciary and regulatory requirements.  We look forward to rolling up our sleeves, honoring our mission statement, growing the impact of our programs and continuing to be a housing partner to North Dakota communities big and small.