A special task force on home construction, established by Gov. Art Link, proposes an Initiated Measure to authorize tax-exempt financing for housing in North Dakota. The measure is approved by voters, in turn, creating a housing finance agency.


The Bank of North Dakota is directed to act as the housing finance agency. The state legislature transfers a rental assistance program to the agency and expands its authority to include financing of manufactured housing and multifamily loan programs and the receipt of federal grant dollars.


NDHFA is formally separated from the bank as a stand-alone entity under the North Dakota Industrial Commission and Pat S. Fricke is appointed as the first director. Later that year, the first bond purchase contracts for single and multifamily programs are executed.


NDHFA is named the statewide contract administrator for the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development’s Section 8 New Construction Projects.


NDHFA develops a plan for the administration of federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits, an incentive for the rehabilitation and production of low-income rental housing.


NDHFA begins servicing its single-family loans in-house to improve the quality of the work and to keep it within the state.


NDHFA launches the Helping Housing Across North Dakota program, returning a portion of agency earnings to local communities who decide how to focus these housing dollars.


To fund property improvements that address the needs of people who have physical disabilities, NDHFA created a Rental Rehab Assistance Program.


The agency’s homeownership division begin offering down payment and closing cost assistance to all its first-time homebuyers.


A housing initiative called “North Dakota Roots” is approved. The goal of the program is to encourage new and returning state residents to purchase a home, putting down roots.


NDHFA joins with the Montana Board of Housing and the Wyoming Community Development Authority to form an investment group called the Mountain Plains Equity Group. The aim is to support the development of affordable multifamily housing in the tri-state area.


A program called HomeAccess launches providing families with a disabled household member with the same purchase assistance as first-time homebuyers.


NDHFA establishes a planning and housing development division to address North Dakota’s changing housing needs. The agency’s rental division is reorganized, now dealing strictly with property management. 


The Housing Incentive Fund is created during the 62nd Legislative Assembly. The program supports the development of affordable multifamily housing.


A pilot program administered by NDHFA supports local Community Land Trusts efforts to create more single-family housing for low- to moderate-income households.


NDHFA assumes the administration of the North Dakota Homeless Continuum of Care, a federal program that promotes a community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness.


The agency’s lending capacity is expanded by the state legislature in response to Bank of North Dakota exiting the residential lending market, allowing NDHFA to finance mortgage loans for higher-income individuals and families and refinance residential real estate loans.


The federal HOME Investment Partnerships Program is transferred to NDHFA from the Department of Commerce.